7 Important Things to Know About Getting Temporary Lip Fillers

What’s more sultry than a full, luscious pout? With full-lipped ladies all over the media (looking at you, Kardashians), women are turning to lip fillers more than ever in hopes of enhancing their own appearance.

Temporary lip fillers are a fairly safe and common way to get bigger, fuller lips. They can be a real confidence booster for anyone who is self-conscious about having thin or uneven lips.

However, lip fillers aren’t without some risks. It’s important to be educated about what to expect before you make your appointment. Here are seven things you need to know before getting temporary lip fillers.

1. Know What Your Temporary Lip Fillers Are Made of

There are several types of lip fillers available on the market, but hyaluronic acid-based fillers are the most common type used these days. Hyaluronic acid lip fillers are approved by the FDA.

Hyaluronic acid is found in many moisturizing skincare products. This is because hyaluronic acid holds on to water in your skin to make it look plump and full. Temporary hyaluronic acid lip fillers are known for giving subtle, natural-looking results.

There are many different brands of hyaluronic acid lip fillers. Juvederm is one of the most well-known brands. It’s the one used by Kylie Jenner.

Lip fillers made with hyaluronic acid are a good choice for people new to lip injections, as they are usually well-tolerated, temporary, and reversible.

2. Do Your Research Before Choosing a Doctor

Make sure you choose a reputable professional for your lip fillers. It’s essential that you find a doctor with all the necessary credentials. The office should be clean and safe.

You should get a thorough consultation before the needle comes anywhere near your face. Ask to see examples of their previous work. This will ensure you end up with the result you want.

3. You Might Need Several Sessions

Getting the perfect pout is often not a one-and-done situation. You might need several appointments to achieve the look you’re after. It’s better to start with subtle lip injections and work your way up to a bigger size if you so choose.

Going too big too fast can cause lips to stretch, which can cause discomfort and even permanent changes in the shape of your lips. It’s also more likely you’ll end up with a result you don’t love but will have to live with until the filler dissolves.

It’s important to keep this in mind when planning your budget for lip fillers. Needing more appointments could end up costing more than you may have initially planned.

4. It May Hurt

While the pain of lip injections is generally not unbearable, you should expect to feel some discomfort. Lips are a very sensitive area. Your lips will probably be swollen for at least the first 24 hours, and you might have some temporary bruising.

Your doctor may use a topical numbing cream before your injections to reduce the sting of the needle. In order to treat the pain at home, ask your doctor about using over-the-counter pain relievers and ice packs.

5. They Aren’t Permanent

Temporary lip fillers are, well, temporary. In order to maintain your results, you’ll probably need to have touch-ups every 4 to 6 months. You should consider your commitment to lip filler maintenance before your first session.

Hyaluronic acid fillers will dissolve over time. This means that your lips will eventually return to their previous size and shape naturally.

For this reason, temporary hyaluronic acid lip fillers are a good choice for people who are new to the world of fillers. If you decide you don’t love the look of your fuller lips, there has been no permanent harm done.

6. You Could Have a Bad Reaction

When undergoing any kind of injections, there’s always some risk involved. While it’s very rare, you should be aware of the possible negative side effects.

Minor side effects include lumpy or uneven results from the filler not settling right. While this won’t harm your health, it can still be frustrating and upsetting. And if you’re prone to cold sores, lip injections could cause a flare-up.

Allergic reactions to hyaluronic acid fillers are rare since hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally in your body. However, if you do have unusual swelling and irritation, tell your doctor right away.

There is also the possibility of infection at the injection site. Lips that are swollen, painful, or warm to the touch could indicate an infection that needs prompt medical treatment.

If the filler is accidentally injected into a blood vessel, it could lead to serious bruising or possibly even necrosis. Either of these side effects requires immediate medical attention to prevent permanent disfiguration.

7. Temporary Lip Fillers Are Reversible, But. . .

If you don’t like your results, your doctor can remove your temporary hyaluronic acid fillers with a special enzyme that breaks them down immediately. However, this can be a little too effective. Since the enzyme will also work on your natural hyaluronic acid, your lips may end up looking even smaller than before.

It may be safer in the long run to just let the filler dissolve on its own. But this means you’ll be stuck with lips you don’t love for a few months.

Feel Beautiful Inside and Out

While temporary lip fillers may boost your self-confidence, it’s important to be aware of the risks and responsibilities involved. At the end of the day, it’s all about what makes you feel like the best version of you.

Don’t feel that you need to get lip injections just because everyone else seems to be doing it. Small lips are beautiful, too!

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