5 Frugal Tips for Buying Clothes on a Budget

Retail therapy. Buying clothes is a favorite pastime of both men and women.

Sometimes you buy out of need, but other times, you just can’t resist those strappy sandals or designer coat. The problem is, expensive taste comes with an expensive price tag.

Do you love clothes shopping but hate the debt you’re racking up? We’re here to help!

This article will offer five tips on indulging your shopping habit without breaking your budget.

Must-Know Tips for Buying Clothes

Let’s face it buying women’s clothing online is fun and convenient. You can search for different styles and colors, view garments from different angles, and have them at your doorstep with the click of a button! To avoid going over budget when shopping online (or in-store), consider these options.

1. Consignment Shops

If you’re not looking through consignment shops, you’re missing out on amazing finds. Who cares if someone else wore these clothes in the past? This is a matter of paying it forward.

Shopping at consignment shops is like treasure hunting. You never know when you might find clothes made for your personality. Someone else’s trash quickly becomes your treasure!

Plus, the hunt for a unique find is fun and thrilling. Set aside plenty of time to look through the racks and search for that perfect piece.

2. Check Your Closet

Before you head out to clothes shop, look at what’s already in your closet. Chances are, you’ll discover at least a few items you forgot you had.

Take a mental note of your staple items. This can keep you from overspending when you get to the store.

The more versatile your wardrobe, the less you need to buy. Opt for accessories that compliment what you already own.

3. Shop When It’s Not Popular

If you shop when things are in season, you’re sure to pay top dollar. Try hitting the stores when on the off-season for great finds and great deals.

Buy a winter coat in spring or swimsuits in fall. Stores are eager to get the old stuff out and new, trendy items in. Which means savings for you!

Stick with classic items that will still be in style when the season comes around again.

4. Buy High-Quality

You get what you pay for. And this applies to clothing as well.

While the initial price tag might sting a little, investing in quality garments now means saving a bundle on replacing items down the road.

If you just can’t pass up an amazing deal (like 2 for 1 jeans or shoes), just know these items may not make it passed the one-year mark.

This is the only time it’s advised to break your budget when clothes shopping – if you’re investing in a high-quality item.


5. Don’t Always Go for the Sale

Speaking of great deals, sales aren’t always worth it.


If you’re a sale shopper, your approach might be working against you rather than for you. 

Even if that cute shirt is 30% off, do you really love it (or need it), or do you just love the price? Don’t buy items just because they’re on sale. Pretend it’s not on sale and see if you’d still buy it.

The Art of Buying Clothes Without Breaking the Bank

Just because you’re on a budget doesn’t mean you can’t keep buying clothes you love. You just need to a smart shopper!

That means investing in quality items and pausing before purchasing every item you find on sale.

Now that you know how to style your wardrobe and keep your budget in check, it’s time to get your love life in order. Check out our dating, relationship, and sex sections for tips on maintaining a healthy social life!

Buying clothes, dating and talking about love. That’s what we do! Make sure to bookmark our website so you can come back and see more of the latest and greatest articles on our blog.