Everybody Plays the Fool: Why the Fool Is the Most Powerful Tarot Card

These past few years have been nothing short of troubling and confusing times. With so much going on around us, it would certainly be a great help if we all could find a bit of direction in our lives.

One way you can do that is through tarot card readings. Using tarot cards is a great option for understanding who you are and where you stand in the world, as well as a great way to figure out your next steps.

There are many different cards in a tarot card set, but one of the most powerful cards – if not, the most powerful – is the fool card. Contrary to its namesake, the fool card is anything but foolish. In fact, it’s one card that you should desire to draw.

This article will inform you about the power of the fool card, and why you should want to have its promising strength on your side. Keep reading to find out more!

The Fool: A Tarot Card Full of Unknown Destiny

The first thing you’ll want to know is that the fool card is not an actual ignorant being of any sort. In fact, the fool is not a fool at all; rather, it is a representation of you.

The fool represents you on your journey. This could be anything from your latest endeavor to your overall journey of life, but make no mistake: we are always on a journey, and by that measure, we are all “fools”.

What makes the fool’s journey so special is that he or she does not know about what lies ahead. They are not actually foolish, then, but rather unaware of what lies ahead, which is very similar to our own journies that we take into the unknown.

What Makes the Fool so Powerful?

Of course, knowing this fact doesn’t necessarily mean that the fool is one of the most powerful cards in the deck…right? Ironically, the very thing that makes the fool so innocent and simple is the same thing that makes it so powerful: its unknown journey.

The fool card represents a blank slate. It knows not where the journey will take it, which means it can be anyone, go anywhere, and do anything. By starting at the beginning with nothing, the fool can go on to become whatever it may please – and by extent, so can you.

Does the idea of the fool sound interesting to you? If so, you’ll want to make sure you read up on the fool tarot card and learn more about what impressive and amazing things this mysterious card has to offer!

Here to Help You Learn More

We know that there are many things that you want answers to, and although a tarot card reading is an effective way to find your path, it never hurts to learn more in any way you can.

Our site has the tools you need to navigate your life, so you can get the most out of everything you deserve. Make sure to have a look around and see what we have to offer you!